Debunking Western Media Narrative

The Western media plays a significant role when it comes to the rumors about Xinjiang. The western media are not as free and independent as they claim to be. Most of those medias get paid by the western governments in order to smear China and it’s people and government. 

One of the biggest propaganda campaigns against China by the Western media (mainly USA, Australia, UK and Canada) right now are the Uyghur genocide in Xinjiang. They claim that China would genocide it’s ethnic minorities such as the Uyghurs and Kazakhs, that they would be put in so called “concentration camps”, would be forcibly sterilized. Also they claim that the Uyghur are being taken away of their culture, so they would not be able to practice their religion, wear their dresses and practice their culture.

Who believes this?

It is tiring to see the same western brainwashed propaganda repeated over and over again on the internet by people who have done little to no research but just regurgitate the same western propaganda. Usually uneducated and people who believe their government everything, will also believe in those rumors being told by them.

Is this really true?

Well, to have a knowledge about the whole situation, you need to get a context about the whole situation at first!

First, a brief history lesson on the power of propaganda to manufacture popular consent. There are many examples, but the most recent is the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and Nayirah’s statement “Iraqi soldiers killed babies.” The U.S. war on Iraq has killed more than 1 million Iraqis.

Why are they doing that?

They use for decades the same lies and false statements without factual evidence but still the people believe in it.

Why does the US see China as the biggest threat? Why does the US media focus so much on Xinjiang? Why the Uyghurs? People should understand the real reasons, because the US media does not talk about it to keep the people ignorant.

Geographical Position of Xinjiang

This map says more than any article you’ll ever see in corporate media about why Western imperialist countries (that have spent decades killing Muslims) suddenly pretend to care about Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China. They want to break China up and stop its Belt and Road Initiative.

One of the organizations that most Americans have never heard of is called NED or National Endowment for Democracy. People should understand who this organization is and what it does in the world. Much of the Uighur propaganda is funded by NED.

Another organization that has published numerous negative articles about China is ASPI or Australian Strategic Policy Institute. Have people ever looked to see who is funding this organization?

Australia had extremely good trade relations with China in terms of exports and imports in 2019, but this trend changed abruptly after an anti-China policy was launched. It is not even in the interests of Australian citizens, because why throw away economic relations when it would have been good for the Australian economy?

But back to the topic… There has been talk in the Western media of up to 3 million Uyghurs in concentration camps in Xinjiang. Where did this number come from? The main source that all Western media refer to is from this one man: Adrian Zenz. Who is this man? 

More research into claims of million people in concentration camp

Words from Adrian Zenz himself. BBC funded his research on this recent concentration propaganda.

If people would just use their common sense, they would realize that some of these claims about concentration camps are ridiculous. It would take a city the size of San Francisco to hold only 1 million prisoners, let alone 3 million. How can China hide that with today’s spy satellites, etc.?

Have you ever seen this photo? This photo has been used in Western media articles as “proof” of a concentration camp in Xinjiang. What these articles do not show is the actual source of the photo or other photos they have omitted. 

Multiple articles supposedly identified structures in Xinjiang as concentration camps. You can read the thread for yourself. 

Supposedly fortified structures on this map which are designated as camps by USAGM and buzzfeed were identified based on parts of Baidu maps without high resolution images. Yet I can somehow view these locations in Urumqi on baidu maps without any issue

One of the claims is genocide in Xinjiang. If China is indeed killing Uyghurs, why is Uyghur population growing much faster than Han population in China? Are Chinese government this incompetent?

The Uyghur population in #Xinjiang of #China has more than doubled from 5.5 mln to 11 mln in the past 40 yrs. There are 24,000 mosques in Xinjiang –one for every 530 Muslims– a higher rate than in many Muslim countries. All their rights are protected by China’s Constitution.

— Ambassador Deng Xijun (@China2ASEAN) September 12, 2020

Another propaganda tool is the destruction of mosques in China’s Uighur Muslim population. There are more than 25,000 mosques in Xinjiang alone, and more than 39,000 in all of China. In the entire U.S., there are only 2106 mosques. Have any of these reporters ever visited Xinjiang?

Here is some detailed reports on Uyghur and Xinjiang you can read for yourself:

More analysis of the detailed Xinjiang report:

China has asked EU multiple times to visit Xinjiang but EU has not done so. Why?

To understand what’s going on, people should watch this older documentary by Australian journalist John Pilger called “The Incoming War with China” to understand the current geopolitical situation:

A break down of recent BBC video on oppression in Xinjiang

Fact or Fiction? A recent video report released from BBC uses editing tricks and twisted facts to make false claims about forced labor, slandering a #Xinjiang factory worker in the process, a China Daily investigation uncovers. #MediaUnlocked

— China Daily (@ChinaDaily) January 10, 2021

Xinjiang isn’t under any lockdown. Anyone can visit the place on his/her own. This Canadian guy visited Xinjiang on his own and recorded his trip. Here are links to his videos:

Chinese response to Xinjiang facts vs. fiction:

Uyghurs have been part of China for a long long time. People should really learn some history vs just keep regurgitating the same old Western propaganda based on false information and lies.

Messages from Chinese Uyghurs to Michael “We lie, we cheat, and we steal” Pompeo.

“Pompeo, we Xinjiang people hate you.”

These are the words of a shopkeeper in rejecting Pompeo’s allegations of “forced labor” in Xinjiang. His accusations have sparked anger among the people in Xinjiang, who have rejected him and the imperialist interests he stands for.

— Qiao Collective (@qiaocollective) February 12, 2021

Since this won’t be reported in the Western media but should be mentioned. The one language many in the West understand is lawsuits.

500+ people from Xinjiang have spoken up. Will the Western media interview any of those people?

US State Department investigated this Xinjiang “genocide” claim. and found there isn’t enough evidence for this claim. Despite this, multiple Western media outlets continue to push this narrative. 

This Canadian guy went to Xinjiang himself to find the supposed open air prison. He even spoke to an Uyghur cop. Nothing like visiting the place Western media claims its an open air prison where Muslim culture is being erased.

One of the best researched article on the Uyghur genocide accusation.

RFA or Radio Free Asia, which is funded by the US government, is not happy both governments Turkey (US Allie and Muslim majority country) and Australia rejected labeling Xinjiang Uyghur situation as “genocide”.

Xinjiang residents to sue BBC. Lawsuits are the only thing the West seems to understand. Let’s hope they sue them in court with an international audience.

Another great report on the Uyghur genocide propaganda.

Kim Iversen explains what the USA is doing in Xinjiang clearly. American people really need to understand what this government is doing around the around, and to China.

America and its 5 eyes’ (Canada, UK, Australia, and NZ) war propaganda against China using “Xinjiang genocide” based on dubious sources is a very dangerous narrative against the world peace.

Real reason why USA is so interested in Xinjiang and Uyghurs directly from US military personnel’s mouth.

More reactions from people of Xinjiang on the Western media accusition of forced labor and genocide.

“We sanitary workers throw garbage like you in the garbage can.”

This is the only response the people of Xinjiang have for Pompeo, the U.S., its allies, and all Global North “leftists” who profess “solidarity” while standing by Sinophobic propaganda, sanctions, and imperialism.

— Qiao Collective (@qiaocollective) February 26, 2021

BBC is taking everything out of context in their reporting. Is this journalism?

Surprising good article cutting through all the BS, and straight to the point. The sooner people realize racists are some of the most insecure people in earth, the sooner they will see the truth. There is nothing supreme about white supremacy.

Ex-FBI whistleblower predicted the Xinjiang propaganda and crisis back in 2015. The USA and its Western allies are doing exactly as she predicted back in 2015. Hint: it got nothing to do with genocide, forced labor, etc.

An important discussion on historical events on imperialism and propaganda.

A profile of a BBC reporter who is part of the propaganda machine. He is being sued so he is on the run.

Diplomats from multiple countries visiting Xinjiang. Guess which countries refuse to visit? EU and USA. Why not visit there to document all the issues?

Talking to a young Uyghur in Xinjiang.

Report from a French journalist who actually been to Xinjiang.

Former beauty queen Muslim American in Xinjiang

Dan Cohen did another amazing report on the Uyghur separatist network and movement.

A walk down the street in Xinjiang with a hidden camera.

A walking tour around Kashgar Xinjiang. Looks like a great place to visit.

Interview with Jewish human rights lawyer who wrote an extensive paper on Uyghur genocide propaganda.

When actual government official visited Xinjiang.

The Palestinian ambassador to China visited Xinjiang.
He says that, “there is no conspiracy, there is facts here, the fact is China is rising and developing everywhere including Xinjiang, some people are not happy about that and they would like to stop China by any means.”

— Sabina 🏔 (@Sabina__21) April 28, 2021

A nice video summarizing the Uyghur genocide in China.

This tweet provided plenty of hard data.

@adrianzenz @nrg8000 @aspi_org @guardianAus This figure shows the change in birth rates in Japan from 1985 to 1990, with the municipalities where the change was >30% shown in red. Let’s talk about the problem with using demographic data to try and prove genocide.

— Stuart Gilmour (@drStuartGilmour) May 22, 2021

This is the real Xinjiang Western media that doesn’t want you to see.

A nice detailed report on Xinjiang.

The problem with the Uyghur genocide narrative is that genocidal regimes are very upfront about why they want to exterminate a group of people. Racism is usually embedded into their founding documents and laws, and there isn’t any evidence of that in China.

— Bodhishevik | Join CPUSA (@Bodhishevik) February 21, 2022

Western media using loop logic for Xinjiang genocide when there is no real evidence. It is hard to believe these media companies put out articles making huge accusations without any evidence, but that’s how mass propaganda works.

It is not hard to guess who is really behind the whole Uyghur genocide propaganda.

UN human rights representatives are finally visiting Xinjiang. Western white media is out on full force to discredit the visit. Brian with another great take:

Adrian Zenz, BBC and all the western MSM are at it again. They claim that this time they have obtained irrefutable evidences of Xinjiang concentration camp detaining one million innocent Uighurs. Except that the Xinjiang police files contained a few thousand

— America-China Watcher (@PandemicTruther) May 24, 2022

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