Xinjiang Police Files Debunked

Since a few days you can see how the so called “Xinjiang Police Files” are spreading on the internet and other medias with a furious speed. The trigger for this is once again Adrian Zenz and the western mainstream media. Now we are going to debunk this!

Don’t the pictures already speak for themselves?

It is so obvious to see that the published pictures are some years old and come from training actions against fear outbreaks

If you sincerely ask the West to spread rumors about Xinjiang, the props must be there!

For example, why doesn’t the director team in this picture spend some money to equip an assault rifle with a bullet trap?

Is the directing team that strapped for cash?

Acting requires professionalism. If you’re so careless with it, you can’t earn back the mass actors’ lunch money!

Taking this photo as an example, tell me what information can be achieved through it? Actually nothing…. It’s just a drill. But piling up those photos, a sense of fear can be made.

Actually, it’s obvious that in a real camp, police do not use rifles, sticks are a much better tool to repress the prisoners.

Looking at another one, those four white characters on the wall“新疆监管”. You can translate it by yourself. It means Xinjiang Prison Management and Administration if you make a plain translation. But the word doesn’t reflect the actual meaning of the Chinese characters, you know the difference happening in translation sometimes. A more accurate translation is Xinjiang Prison. And the prisoner’s suit is a yellow one, which is the standard prisoner suit in all over China. This is completely not in so-called camp, it is just a prison.

I don’t know what these photos are to demonstrate since they can be found on government websites. Chinese can read the slogans and names in those pictures and can quickly come to realise they’re just for anti-prisonbreak drills.

But what about foreigners who cannot read Chinese? What impressions would these photos leave on them? Fear can be made deliberately.

I can’t imagine………

First of all, if you are arresting terrorists, surely you are well equipped, right?
Our police officers don’t wear cheap sneakers (or sneakers for you Americans), they have to wear durable and sturdy boots 

That has to be the biggest joke! Give a different meaning to the term “blanks” – slide 

Some of the “evidence pictures” may be from training videos and posts like in the following video. This is an official police social media post about how they will handle a drunk/aggressive person.

I don’t know why some of you are complaining and criticizing the safety bar…. Would you rather have the protective bar pushing you to the ground or a bullet?

The photos leaked from inside

This is what a concentration camp should actually look like, b but never like those in Xinjiang!

They were also able to identify a young boy who is allegedly in a concentration camp…. They said that he had previously taken a picture with Xi Jinping, which is a great honor…. How likely is it that the person who takes a picture with Xi Jinping will end up in a concentration camp, especially since the two of them look very different? And it is very likely that they are not the same person.

What is the conclusion?

the conclusion is that those rumors are fabricated by the West, circulated by the West, just like all the lies that have been circulating for decades.

If it comes from BBC, CNN, DW, ASPN, Fox News or NED, there is a 90% probability that it is already false. These departments are paid to come up with these lies or conspiracy theories, just like the infamous “hell filters”. Most people who have access to Xinjiang view them as clown shows. If you trust them, then your IQ level is the same as those who didn’t vaccinate or wear masks during the covid…

Just look at this example how BBC changes the scenery in the West and in Asia

And you still think that they are objective and neutral?

But what about the detainees?

There is also something to say on the subject of prisoners… Most people were arrested for a plausible reason. The West acts as if it is something abnormal for a country to have prisons at all! Many images are also distorted and look photoshopped

As you can see the format of these images is totally distorted. You can’t even be sure if it’s the same person at all

This gentleman is addressed with female pronouns and that neither the Chinese nor English is the best

Here you can clearly see that a person wearing a helmet with the inscription 警察 (Police) comes into the room

Also you can see how casually people walk in all the time…

This was some evidence about the detainees. Now let’s take a look at what’s wrong with the documents!

The clear answer is that they are forged documents. There are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes in the documents. In some places, traditional characters were used, and the format was not as usual for Chinese official documents.

Ladies and Gentlemen, After our finding on problems on the metadata of their “leaked documents”, They are trying hard to replacing those problematic documents:

Please check the link of left and right screenshot, the filename of the link has been changed!

— Cinqscories (@Cinqscories) May 25, 2022

To be continued…

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